EarthBound Shipped + Book #2 News January 28 2014

Hi Everyone,

All print copies of EarthBound have shipped! Most of you have already gotten them in the mail, and the rest of you should be getting them very soon.

THANK YOU to all who have helped us celebrate this book across the medias. Photos of EarthBound in the world will be retweeted by @BossFightBooks, especially those featuring dogs or bumblebees.

Some cool press from the last couple of weeks:

"At last, EarthBound gets the paperback it deserves." - Kill Screen

"Ken reaches into his childhood and remembers Shigesato Itoi’s game. But much like Ness, by remembering the game and his experiences with it, Ken also remembers a part of himself." - Coin Battle 

"Excellent." 10/10 - Nerdlife

"So much fun." - Bookrageous

"The breadth of Baumann's interests and his infectious love for humanity make him the perfect writer to do this game justice." - The Rumpus

“I hope this book lives to be read after we’re gone.” - HTMLGIANT


Now let’s talk business. As I’ve mentioned before, the order of our Season One titles will be based on the order in which they are ready. Well, we’re now ready to call the next book: Book #2 will be Chrono Trigger by Michael P. Williams.

Chrono Trigger is the book that was decided by vote by our Kickstarter backers during the campaign last summer. To determine the author, we opened it up to pitches, and gave the job to a writer who wrote a proposal/excerpt that blew me away. He got to work immediately. Michael and I are currently hard at work on edits, and I’m really pleased with how the book is turning out.

In the meantime, anyone who wants can pre-order the book here or order it here when the book is out.


Last: Anna Anthropy just emailed me her ZZT first draft. I'm about to go print it out and dig in.

Last-last: There are 30 Kickstarter backers who have yet to fill out their surveys. Please head over to and fill out your survey so we can lavish you with book(s).

Oh! And last-last-last: I want to brag on our author, Darius Kazemi, for his Boston Globe profile. Let’s pray he never turns his bots against us. 

Thanks, all!

Gabe Durham, Boss Fight